Campaign Ideas
Across the campus, colleges and business units have gone beyond individual donations and have organized some fun and creative special events to benefit the UFCC. Special Events allow you to raise additional cash and increase payroll deductions for the UF Campaign for Charities.
Here are some great ideas and fun ways to get your department involved in special events.
Spirit Night: Partner with an area restaurant to host a spirit night where the patrons attend mention they support your event and a portion of the proceeds are donated to the UFCC.
Penny Wars: Challenge other units to Penny Wars. Pennies earn positive points, dollars and silver coins earn negative points. Units can donate pennies to their units and silver coins and dollars to their competitors. The unit with the most “money” (total of positive and negative points) wins.
Dress Down Days: Have employees donate toward the campaign in order to have special Jeans to Work or Dress Down Days.
Special Event Tickets: Hold a drawing for all employees who have completed their pledge to receive special tickets to athletic events, art, museum or theater shows.
Bake Sale: Employees donate baked items to sell during UFCC Bake Sale. All proceeds are donated to UFCC.
Department to Department Challenge: Start some friendly competition with your rival department to see who can increase their donations by the largest percentage over last year. The losing department may have to do something such as wash the cars of the winning department.
Most Creative Virtual Zoom Background: Send in a screenshot of you and your most creative Zoom background. Photo with the most likes (votes/money raised) is the winner.
Cutest Pet Contest: Send in a picture of your cute pets--all animals welcome! Pet photo with the most monies raised is declared the winner.
Silent Auction: Hold a silent auction for items collected and donate proceeds to UFCC.
UF Swag : Hold a drawing for all employees who have completed their pledge for some special UF Swag.
Gift Certificates: Gather restaurants, groceries, movies, fuel and other gift cards and hold a drawing for all employees who have completed their pledge.
Action Auction: Utilize the skills and talents of your co-workers and auction off skills or services of your staff members instead of items.
Pie-an-Employee: Have jars or baskets set up in the office with each employee’s name on the jar or basket. After a month the employee’s jar with the most money raised gets a pie in the face.
Crazy Costume Fundraising Contest: Choose a crazy costume and have the department compete to raise money to vote on who should wear the crazy costume. The costume winner would wear the costume all day on a designated date with a sign around their neck- “I am proud to wear this costume in support of the UFCC.” Costume ideas include: ballerina, princess, superhero, etc.
Tricycle Race: Each racer has a donation jar and whoever has the most money in the jar wins and prize and also has the opportunity to eliminate themselves or a competitor. Whoever wins the race also receives a prize.
Tug of War: This is a fun way to raise awareness for the UFCC! Winning team can win a prize or a donation jar can just be set out with participants and onlookers encouraged to donate. Check out the event from last year!
Cornhole Competition: The donated entry fee from each competitor is donated to the UFCC and there is a prize for the winner!
Karaoke Contest: Have colleagues compete in a karaoke contest, can be used with Penny Wars, the execs with the most money have to sing (think cliché karaoke songs, 80′s etc).
Guess Who: Have employees bring in baby pictures and everyone has to pay to submit their vote.
Office Olympics: Set up an obstacle course in the lunchroom or a conference room. Time your contestants as they type a few paragraphs at one station, file at another, and photocopy at another station. Add in some other stations like pencil sharpening or making a paper clip chain. The contestants pay an entry fee, and the winner gets a prize.
Seasonal Greeting Card Sale: Have departments create greeting cards, depending on the season, and sell them to the other departments.
Have a new and unique idea for a special way to engage employees with the campaign? Share it with us at